Sunday, February 28, 2010

I don't think you care.

I'm so mad at you. And the thing is, you don't even know it.
My feelings just keep being not taken in consideration and keep getting hurt.
I'm fucking irritated/heated.

Thanks for letting me be the one who always cared more.


There are other ways to contact me.
Thanks for the effort.
I wish you remembered.
I did ask about your safety.
Nice to know you remembered me.
You had your fun. You're probably tired.
Im not gonna bitch at you.
Ill just wait.
Cuz im still ticked off/mad at you for disrepecting me like that.
We'll talk whenever you hit me up.
Cuz i always have to fit to your schedule anyways...


Even though I'm being nice and still caring for your safety, I'm still mad at you.



I love shaving and feeling so smooth in the aftermath, and my smooth skin brushing up against the walls of my clothes and reminding me it feels so smooth. Smoooooth. Put lotion on.

I like wearing sexy underwear and having no one know it except me. I'm just like hah, i feel confident. You can't see what I'm wearing. haha. Tease.

This is my body. There is no duplicate. This one is mine. Some days i might criticize, but i like it. And i might not be the fittest girl.

But this is my body. And i like it.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Stop this feeling of being let down. Over and over and over. I can only take so much.

I hate people who screw people over.

& the word best friend.
I wish i could count on/go to you always. 

-_- people keep saying bring (insert name here or ask do you have anyone to bring) with you, so you're not alone?

and im like no, boyfriend is busy, doesnt want to go, not his thing, im not always with him,
my other friends who are girls have boyfriends that theyre always with. or my guy friends have their girlfriends.
so theyre busy. 
i lost the one friend i was really close with that actually was a girl.
i cant bring guy friends to small kick its, cuz itd seem like a date.
im not on that close personal level with certain people.
im sorry no, i dont have anyone to bring.

except me, myself and i.

even if i did try, everyone is busy. that's usually the case.

so no i dont.


urgh. it'd never used to be like this...

How is tonight going to work out?


Honestly, all i wanna do is lay with you, cuddle, watch/listen to the rain fall, talk to you about everything & anything, have the best conversation ever, and just act like there are no worries in the world.

Just enjoyment of just being.


I hate unintentionally running into hearing my parents argue at each other and yelling. and hearing my mother cry.
I dont know if you feel the same way, but to hear your mother cry is the hardest thing to hear.

I keep running into people having bad days. like this morning with Audrey.

and it just makes me wanna help everyone.

I always wonder.

Blah. Sometimes i wish i never had to worry about what to do. Just cuz i know i'd just have you. But this is not the lifestyle we established. Or maybe i just wish i didn't lose people and the connection it used to be.

Still feel unfinished....


"It's like Romeo and Juliet.
Hot sex on the platter just to get you wet.
You's about to get in something you will never regret.
And it's gonna be the bomb, this is what i bet. Yep!"

-Silk E Fyne

Hahha. used to hellllla sing this song back in the day.

Thursday, February 25, 2010


I'll say aww when I say aww. hah. ^_^

I got to say what i wanted to say. No holding back. G'Night.

I liked chilling today in the warm sun at the lofts with my new buddy jules and having pancakes made by his roomate carlos! haha
and having lunch today @ Red Robin wit all of em. Jose john josh amanda me table of 5. Good shit.
and someone aka john actually showed they care. it was sweet. text got to my heart. aww.

Thank you.

Tomorrow is another day, waiting to put all my energy that i've been hella havin this whole week hopefully to exciting use.

Tomorrow open mic or masquerade?
Ahh. this mightttt be a little difficult.

open mic=old friends, crew, the peeps. BUT there's her.
she said she didnt mind. but i mean, would it be awkward? the other tag a longs might be there.

masquerade=dress up nice! going alone...sorta. drive to davis. far. late. not sure.

yeah. we'll see whatsupppp.

WSSUP tho.

i'd rather be *there. 

crazy how moods can change.

i might just be respectful, and let everyone have their fun. and not create anything. and to have no worries. and do shit on my own or something.

ionno. just bein considerate.

Hahah gonna fucking build his ego.

But i have the best boyfriend. a really good one. <3

Have patience with me.

This is odd. I'm not gonna lie. I think my parents are "dating" again. o_0 0_o

I hear voices in the kitchen. i'm like who the f is that? broskie? and its 11:31 at night. they never stay up and talk at the table and eat.

weird....haha. but nice.

Sometimes i like knowing that anything possible is up in the air.

For some reason i like laying in bed and just having a text convo with someone with nothing interrupting. Just all my attention on texting the person.

I think it's cuz it started with you.

Okay, it's reallllllyyyyy bothering me now. I gotta talk to him about it.

I think you take me for granted.
But i don't wanna bother you. You seem in a good mood.

Sometimes people don't realize it when i say:

"No one's ever done that for me before."
and it might be the little simplest thing. and they get all surprised.
but i mean it when i say no one really ever has done it for me before.
and it makes me that much happier.
because honestly, not a lot of people do stuff like that for me.
and when a chance does come across, i really appreciate it.

I like waking up everyday with a good mood/attitude, like nothing is bothering me.

All up in my own world. Don't bring me down.

Feenin' for warm-feeling moments. When everything just feels so good. Cause it's going good.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

You don't control me.

You either know it, or you don't.


"Stressed out, uptight, over worked wow’d out
Unleash what you got let’s explore your naughty side.

Let me be your medicine.

It’s your body, we can love it you want to
As hard as you want to, soft as you want to
Just let me love you lay right here, I’ll be your fantasy
Give you sex therapy."

-Robin Thicke

hahhaha it was funny. i was playing this song today in my car on the way to the boyfriend's. and i stopped at a light. and some dude on my left was tryna holla. and kept creeping his car so that it would be next to me and match the window and say something. yeah. i just thought it was funny. someones trying to hit on me while i have that song playing. yeah...


sorry. nope!

Saying you would call, or people not replying to my text,

just proves to me even more that you're not there or can't even take my help, or even try to put some consideration.

no wonder it takes me a while to trust people and to actually believe the words, "im here"

well im SORRY.



hey hopefully maybe when you try to be there, i'll actually believe you.

Today i was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO antsy.

i had hella energy and was hyped up. and ready to take on something. and just do shit. go on an adventure.
but no one was available. i didnt even know where all the energy came from. i hadnt even eaten yet.
and i was hella rushed in the morning doing one thing to the next. maybe that's what started it.
then the whole day. just been shaky and bouncing around.
hopefully i did good on my gazillion chem quiz/tests today. eep.

i want to do something.

hopefully this bay trip works out on saturday. i'd be so happy. for the longessssst time, ive been craving a road trip. those ride homes, ykno, with people, enjoying memories, that quiet, long nap -time ride home. it just gives me a warm feeling.

ive been craving for it. it puts my heart to contentment. and its something new too. just missing friends to make memories/adventures with.
theyre all non-existent when it comes to that relationship, because it either isnt cool anymore, people consumed by work, just acquaintances, or people moved on/grew up, or got boyfriends and girlfriends that take up all their time and emotions. see i have one, but i still have my own life. im not controlled.
but anyways. i miss just fucking hella spontaneity, not knowing what to do, doing something or nothing with friends, and just chilling.
chilling is what i do best.

knowing i spent my time with friends, even though we might not have done anything, does not seem like a waste to me at all.
i mean i really could say it was my time's worth. i live for that shit.
that shit makes ME happy.

i miss it. done. enough said from me.

Okay. You know how i'm random? Haha i wish one day, i could just say whatever came on my mind and came out, and someone would not be like, "oh....ok" like if it was weird,

But instead had something super random and cool to say back.

Haha it'd be a randomfest.

Sometimes people don't get my kookiness.

Live in the moment. I like to.

Talking about girls as "bitches" and being able to "get them" is the most ugliest thing i hear come from a guy's mouth.

Shut the fuck up.
Not fucking objects that you can easily catch. Maybe that's why some girls make it a chase.
Ionno. I really hate hearing that shit sometimes. When i hear it from a guy's mouth, it just makes me literally say, "Uhh that's ugly." and come to the conclusion of nope, don't go for that guy.
You hoe.
Have some respect.

Ahh. makes me get paranoid and question that it better not be all about sex.
don't screw me over. *throws fist ready for a punch*

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I love having a long day wearing your "out" clothes then coming home and dressing down...

in pajamas. haha. ;)

it feels sooooo comfyyyy. i like.

Singing makes me feel better.

When i can't find someone to have a continuous, interesting conversation with.

Time just keeps going.

Will you pick me one simple flower? Don't buy any. Just a nice, pretty, delicate flower you saw on your way today. I'd appreciate it if you'd do so. It would make my day.

Just one simple pretty flower.

Don't needa be spoiled with a bouquet.

Just one.

I like simple things too.

I think every now and then, someone wants to be saved.

We wait for that one person to ask hey how are you, im here to help, and be the support you need/asked for. and nothing fake. they mean it.

Just like a superhero.

I can't take it anymore.

Can i come help and make your day?

I'd love to.

Monday, February 22, 2010

I said, don't use me.



I find myself going back to places that held really good memories.

For all i wish is to make more good memories like it.

No more relapse.

Whenever i hear/read the words "i'm here for you," it actually hurts.

Cause the whole time im listening to it, i don't believe it. it hurts because it's all a lie in my mind. and my mindset is stuck on that. which may lead me to neglect people who are there.
but someone prove me wrong. be there when i actually ask and not on your occasion. im sorry i cant fit into your busy schedule. and im sorry that even if i might be busy, i'd drop anything just to be there for you.
fuck all that.
some people say it just to say it, and never prove themselves to be there when i actually need it.
i can recall several times when i asked for help, and they chose not to because of selfish decisions, only thinking about themselves.
When i ask for help....
please help.
Is it really all that much to ask?

My heart breaks each time someone tells me a lie.
Don't tell me you care, unless you actually do.
that's why i like genuity.
fuck all the fake bullshit.
its from your heart, or nothing at all.

"I like it when you're confident."

Why am i so scared of no one caring?

I live for random, spontaneous moments. I want a best friend. I want to fall in love.

Jenny, don't question yourself. It'll do damage.

Just know. Feel comfortable & safe. Don't hold back. Or convince otherwise. You'll know.

I am hella paranoid. 

I can't help but fall.

But i'm scared.

Can we go far? far in life? far in love? far in potential?

There's so much we can do in this lifetime.

Took the words and thoughts outta my mind & mouth.

"I wanna have one of those nights where you have no plans, and you just go where the wind takes you. Remember the adventures we used to have?"

Sometimes I don't like hanging out with people only when they can according to their schedule.

But it's the best i can do. It's either see them when i can, or not at all.
I'm too versatile. But hey it means, i'm there whenever, and i STAND by it. unlike liars.

I can't wait for 11 o'clock to come today, so i can just go home and sleep.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Damn. All i wanna do is watch youtube videos. haha. but i'm so close to being done with hw. sorta. i think. crap.

"Well, I guess you'll say. What can make me feel this way?"

"My girl."

hhahha. i'd hella melt if he said that to me. :]

"Can i kick it?"

Ugh, i wanna finish these lecture videos already. They're so boringgggg. I just wanna write my speech already and be DONE.

I get in these moods, where i know there's soooo much potential.

It doesn't stop here.

With life, i feel like i can do more. I feel good and content.
Gnna go bring the boy some food at work. Hopefully it'll make his day since he said he wasn't having one.
Helping the bro with rides. Gotta be safe.
Helped a friend last night at friggin 2 in the morning with a ride too.
But it'll be a nice memory. Luckily parents didn't really get that mad.
And today, this was the first time in a long while we did something together as a whole family. We went to the Viet church. haha.
It's nice to see my dad smile and reconnect with my mother.

I love you life. Thank you God for giving me it and the chance.

2 assignments done, 1 big and 1 small to go.


Saturday, February 20, 2010

There's nowhere I'd rather be, then with you.

Push yourself.

I like how it seems like there's a lot of people at home doing homework right now.

I had my fun for today. Now it's my turn to get down to business.

Let's go! Le-go. get it? haha.

Jenni, forreals, no more procastinating.

Fucking shit. I really should give THAT up for Lent. 

work. work. work. work. work. work. work.

all i wanna do is apply for jobs online, go on tumblr, watch movies, listen to music, clean my room for the new frame, and not get discriminated by my parents for it, watch code geass, and spend time with him. oh, and be calm and relaxed.

school mayn.

The more and more we grow up, the more we wish for our youth.

But sometimes i don't. Because wishing we could go back to being young when there were no problems is taking the easy way out. EVERYTHING you have ever experienced leads to the reason why the way you are, or what you have learned, or how it has made you stronger and help you to make decisions for something else/future.

Yes, there were no worries when we were young, and i myself hate worries. But really, do you want to be a toddler and not know anything?

I'd rather know something.

Is it ever bad to choose to relax?

See in my mind, people are always busy and rushing to do something and are just so caught up, that all they want to have time for is to relax.

I MAKE time to relax. It may lead to unfinished things, but relaxation benefits the mind, body, and soul.

I'd rather be content, then feel rushed/panicked/stressed/obligated/rushed.

Sometimes i wish you'd spend a long day with me.

Adventures are fun because of your friends.

You don't have to make them alone ALL the time.

Friends make it EXTRA fun.

i miss em.

Looking through pictures....

Why don't i take pictures anymore?

That's ALL i'd ever used to do.
Capture my adventures and shit.

Well lately, there hasn't been anyone to have adventures with or to create them.

*Points the finger to everybody* DON'T EVER TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ME.

I'm nice because i want to. but don't you dare take advantage.

You know, it's weird, you really don't want to believe something until you hear it the second time around.

That's when you know its not just something crazy and belief to one person.

Things can always be better. But...

I'm fine. I'll wait.

Why? Cause it's all worth it. the ups and the downs. :]

I'm GOOD. really.

Who do i dress for?

you. and only you.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Updated life.

Damn, he's hella doing productive shit, and he's HAPPY.
He's getting his priorities straight, and is actually being busy, but yet, knows how to have downtime too.

Hearing him talk about what's been going on with his life lately, updated, makes me think: what the fuck am i doing with MY life?

He seems so happy. I'm proud of him and FOR him.

Do something. Go far.

Today was a beautiful day. I loved relaxing at the levee actually. I just wanted to fall asleep there.
That might've been the sickness or just the nice warm weather.

Fuck. Something didn't hit me til now. Attachments are so hard.

That thing is a part of our memory and our beginning. :[

I want to take a nap in a public place.

ionno why for some reason...

I'm not letting this sickness hold me back.

But i can't decide if i should take a nap so that my body can be well-rested. or go and do something productive or just to do something.

I'm so sleeeppppy. i need to eat. didnt do that yet.

Goodnight. I hope people go to bed with their heart content. If not, at least for a second.

There should be no worries the last second before you go to sleep. Because sleep means to rest.
Worrying or fretting or anything else does not mean rest.

Sweet dreams world.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I looooove the way you touch me.


-Miguel Jontel ft. Ne-yo

I got the best text today. :D

"Ur laundry detergent smells hella bomb.
Smell likes you, and I <3 you. <=)"

I literally couldn't stop smiling and giggling in the car.
its cuz when i borrow his clothes, the smell is all i remember.
well actually its always been that way with me with anybody. guy-wise.
i love coming home smelling like him.

boo hella makes my day.

I think i've taken too many mean comments towards me now.

Enough is enough.
Stop telling me i'm not the daughter/girl you wanted. 

Sometimes it doesnt hit me that i need to make myself happy and not others first.
i can tell bf's trying to show me slowly.
its just hard when youre used to something else for so long.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

I wanna dye my hair again.


Excited for a bunk bed.

hahha ive never had one before. seems alil childish.

BUT! it will help with organization oddly. haha.

cleaning up and new changes/rearranging.


Can we be S I L L Y Y Y Y Y Y Y?



Good morning.

I like waking up early.

There's more to your day.

If you get to know me, oldies/throwback ALWAYS put me in a good mood. ^__^

especially after/during a shower, while getting ready, in the car, on a trip back home at night, with friends just relaxing.

There's just something bout it that gets to me.

Pretty weather today. I hope everyone is okay. People got shit going on. And i feel bad, cuz i was in that mood last week, but now i feel better and just trying to be more productive/make use.

We all deal.

Don't spend your whole time waiting for something, what's wrong with going after it?

Take that step. :]

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Even with lack of sleep, negative stuff, and losing every fucking thing on my computer.

I stay upbeat and feeling good. There's other better stuff you can look at perspective-wise.

Pissed bout the computer, but i move on, gotta start all over uploading shit, and deal. Hella memories i can't get back.

but still, whattttabitch.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Why is it when it seems like everyone's being really troubled with something, im hella calm. But when everyone is calm, i'm going crazy.

I just want to go and be the most calmest relaxed person. I want to go and lay down and just watch the stars.

Unfortunately tonight the sky is filled with clouds. Never seen it before at night. It's kinda cool. :]


Jenni, don't forget to eat.

How did i develop this quality? haha. Mind's thinking alot all the time.

"Can I call you after?"

My reply is:

You can call me whenever, wherever, whatever, however, you can/want.

I will always pick up.

I WANT to be there urgently. 

Heart's pumping. Nervously.

Every day is just another day. Well how bout no, lets try to make every day have something meaningful.

Dont let time go to waste.

"You better treat her good."

Silence in my room is eery.

Time to play music.

It's weird, even though we never talk or anything, me and her will always turn out to have some similarities or be thinking/going the same thing.

Today the reoccurring thought i had to myself was: I know what i want.

And what do you know, i read her writing, and she says the same thing.

Weird how so many little coincidences can happen and i spot them.

Even earlier, i was thinking about watching "The time traveler's wife" cuz i downloaded it and just havent gotten around to watching it.
then someone posts a comment with the title of that movie.

coincidence, no?

well, i like it.

Signs in everyday life :D

I just want to watch a movie, relax in comfy warm blankets, and have a phone conversation.

Can we make that happen? I shouldn't procrastinate though. but hey i know what i gotta do.

Gah, why can't i nap for more than an hour? This body of mine.



I love sitting and just really into thinking and contemplating and kind of in a way learning something new that i didn't see before and it hitting me.

I learn something new each day.

I know this sentence is confusing. but haha. w/e i know what im trying to say. 

I make myself really anxious about a lot of things. I want resolutions or productivity or energy right away/instantly.

I just can't wait for something i know i want to do. 

I hope everybody is okay. and feeling fulfilled somewhat.

It's weird to hear "Long time no see" from your family member, especially if you live right next door, and a couple steps away.

Spending the day with my mom, made me remember how sloooooowwwww she is.

But she's my momma. <3

Have you forgotten about me? :/

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Words of support.

Does my name, Jenny, fit me? haha.

Just a thought.

"Without you, I'm weak in the knees, I need your therapy."

He lays me on the couch and says
“how has your day been?
Tell me your problems,
I’ll help you solve them.
Come on let’s talk about it”
He sits next to me and smiles.
Listens to all of my words,
Relaxes all of my nerves.

Like breathe in, let it go, shout it out
Take deeps breathes and real slow, calm down.
Close my eyes, soft spoke, ease my mind, take control
From my body please work your Psychology

He puts his hand on my lower back
his face in my neck and
Says something to make me laugh
Makes me forget I was mad
His touch feels so right
It’s like he’s reading my mind

The way you touch me says I’m there for you.

You’re taking good care of me, always been there for me
Boy I can’t bear to leave cause I need your therapy.
You’ve given me everything, so much I ever could need
Without you I’m so weak in the knees, I need your therapy.

-India Arie

"Didn't cha know, didn't cha know. Tried to run but I lost my way."

So many things I still don't know
So many times I've changed my mind
Guess I was born to make mistakes
But I ain't scared to take the weight
So when I stumble off the path
I know my heart will guide me back.

-Erykah Badu

I'm not really sure why, but i feel content, calm, giddy, fine. And i mean fine.

"You ain't gon tie me down."

Dont let bullshit get in the way. Keep going.

Everyone in the house went to bed early or fell asleep. It's so quiet. Got my window open too. Listening to the outside night world.


In a calm mood. 

I love how everyone is talking about their online chemistry hw being due and the site crashing.

We all got chem online hw. heehee. i'm not the only one. were all on the same boat.
that makes me feel not alone. :]

In the moooooood.

Little things can make my day.

It don't need to take much. But then it goes for the opposite too.

Am i gonna finish this long ass online hw for chem?

I wonder. Too many distractions and small attention span. and lack of energy.


Do work, son. Get busy. Instill proudness. Make worthiness. Up to potential.

Do something with your life.

Be happy. 

If it's not there, find it somewhere else.

I look back on pictures, and when that happens, that's when i know and see that it hits me that things are changing.

it never stops. change does not stop.

I love those random occasions when people feel just the same way, the same mood together.

Or when anyone feels that warm gut feeling.

One day, i hope to find someone with hella similarities with me just for the heck of it.

So i can be like "me too!!!" to everything they say. and ill feel hella relatable with em.

so i shouldnt try so hard to be different. even though sometimes i like being weird and different. 
Being different means you get to stand out. And you might get some attention and know that you mean something and not a thing you just simply pass by.

give a care.  

Okay, it's time to really focus now, jenni. do work.

Always gonna be a difference in WANTING something and NEEDING something.

Too quick to love.

I put a lot of consideration into you.

There's nothing like experiencing it live and in person and feeling the loudness of the music beat with your heart and pound in your chest.

Ahh whatta high.
i definitely fell in love with music.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Let's enjoy tonight.

Even though the circumstances are what they are.

Taking it day by day.

I do tell myself keep your head up. Keep your head up.

On my own.

Or not. Okay some things don't always work out. But it's up to you to believe that in the end, if you truly believe that it worked out for the better.

Right now, it might be kinda rough. But i really do believe there is a reason for everything.

Just watching out for you and me.

You know, i swear, sometimes there are situations when someone is listening, because ill have this thing constantly on my mind and be troubled by it,

then something pops up and solves it and makes the situation better.

Thank you God. 

"The look of love, you wear it well."

"Baby, love looks good on you."

Yes it started because of us, but its not MY FAULT.

whatta fucking bitch. you were the one who fucking had a problem first.
i stand by saying i didnt do anything wrong or to hurt you.
Youre the one whos hurting me now.
How can you be such a jerk?
Dont ever put my name in your mouth with a false accusation.
I wish i could say i hate you.
But i dont.
Im the type of person who will still be there and care.


stupid and immature. for a long time, ive never dealt with drama that involved me, it was always other peoples bullshit. i dont need this. because i dont want it. i dont care for drama. i act maturely about it and get over and deal with it. u dont need to argue and try to prove whos right about the situation. just get over it. grow up. ive just come to accept what is what. and if i try to change it, and i cant. then on to the next best thing. you dont need negative influences in your life.

im done.

I do it for you. And only you.

I hope you appreciate it.
Youre lucky i dont screw you over or anyone over.
Youre lucky i care.
Youre lucky to find someone as genuine and real and warm-hearted as me.

Don't ever take advantage.

You're lucky. 

You know, i never wanted to say that, because i never wanted to put myself as "better" than others or on a higher level. but sometimes i just gotta think that you are lucky to have me. build that self confidence up.

"Baby you should just give me your heart, and i SWEAR i wont tear it APART"

So pathetic....

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A n x i e t y.

chills mayn. uneasiness. worries. blah.

I like to hear that i was known as a hella happy cheerful giddy girl to be around.

I should go back to when nothing brought me down.
That's a fun person to be around.
Positive, happy chick.
I definitely remember those days.
I can be happy. We all can.

I've never really been a busy person.

Just chill.

I like taking hella time, like months, to practice for something. Because you know when it finally comes to the end, you worked hard for it, and even though practices got old and repetitive, building up to it was the best part.


I just get this happy high simply from just talking to people.

What i learned today:

Sometimes i care too much. and that can be bad.
I really do reject people when they say they care. It's hard to not be so reluctant to believe it's bullshit.
WHY do i think its bullshit?
what made me to believe it that way? thats one of the hugest questions i have.
Why am i able to say the right motivational/push things, and ill hear it from other people, but why do i still feel unsatisfied with how things are now?
What do i need to do to fix this problem?

You'll figure out who's genuine/real and who's not.
You'll find out who your real friends are through it all.
STOP BEING INSECURE. he wouldn't be there if he didn't care.


i need to stop overthinking and being paranoid.

Day by day.

"Darling, open your eyes. Let me show you the light."

There are times when you need someone.
I will be by your side.
There is a light that shines, special for you and me.


This is tough. But i'm trying. I create too much anxiety for myself.

Thank you Marissa and Joe for today. More people that are helping day by day.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

School. Work. Job. Social. Happiness. Joy. Life. Time.

What does life have to offer you in this lifetime? What are you doing? Going to your potential?

Grateful. as always.

Define Jenny: (from urban dictionary)

2. An amazing, beautiful, caring, creative girl. She is the epitome of a goddess, and anyone would kill to have her. She can do anything she sets her mind to, and she's wonderful.

Why can't i remind myself that everyday and be super uber confident and not let losing that person or anyone get to me. 

Glad i got to spend time with him today.

It kinda saved me from loneliness and feeling like i had no one.

i honestly really do feel like he saves me sometimes.

"What do you do, when love is lost?"

-Trey Songz

Today was the first time in a long while, that i sat in a car with just me and my dad.

Those days.

Makes me realize i'm really growing up and taking more steps each day into being more independent.

Little things REALLY do make my day, but you can only be on that happy high for so long.

Monday, February 1, 2010

You've been on my mind a lot today.

i miss you.

I love you.

I'm trying really hard to forget and live without.

But that's the hardest thing to bear with right now.I'm trying.
I'm trying.

Why do things turn out the way they do?

I didn't do anything wrong... it was the other person. sigh.

i did so much shit for her. but i dont regret it. i regret the fact that she didnt appreciate it.

and i want my dad's affection again.

what am i doing wrong???